3641. 占士
2019-09-09 16:11
3642. 占士
2019-09-09 16:15
3643. 占士
2019-09-09 16:17
3644. 占士
2019-09-10 10:18


今天吃早餐時看到新聞報導說根據加國智庫菲沙研究所(Fraser Institute)週一發表「2018年全球人類自由指數」顯示,加拿大在世界162個國家及地區排名第5位。在中、港、台方面,台灣今年晉身全球前10名,香港就由去年第2位倒退至今年第3位;中國今年排行第135位,是東亞地區內自由度最低的國家。大家怎樣看這個結果

# 2115560

3645. 占士
2019-09-10 10:31
不過,大家可以看看在八大工業國之中,全球指數排名依次是:加拿大(第5位)、英國(第8位)、德國(第13位)、美國(第17位)、日本(第31位)、法國(第32位)、義大利(第34位)、俄羅斯(第119位)。 好像沒有一個國家比香港更自由哦!😂
3646. 占士
2019-09-10 11:22
3647. 占士
2019-09-10 11:22
3648. 占士
2019-09-10 11:23
3649. 占士
2019-09-10 11:24

3650. 占士
2019-09-10 12:08



3651. 占士
2019-09-10 14:01
3652. 占士
2019-09-10 14:25
3653. 占士
2019-09-10 14:27
3654. 占士
2019-09-10 14:31

3655. 占士
2019-09-10 16:07

they want the government to answer their "5 demands" 1. withdraw the modified "extradition bill" which the government has officially agreed to. 2. release all detainees captured in the past three month. 3. renounce the "riots" term used in describing the "peaceful" protests in the past 3 month. (note the quotation mark i put next to the word "peaceful".) 4. start an independent board of inquiry to investigate the excessive force used by the police. 5. Carrie lam must resign, (version 1.0), allowing 1 person 1 vote for both the legco seats and the HK chief executive w/o any kind of primary (version 2.0).

However, there are no one party claimed to be the leader of this protest. So basically no one can officially call off the protests. the 5 demands were initially from a live streamed between a Chinese fugitive with connections to Steve Bannon and a pro-HK independent youth leader on June 17th, (5 demands didn't officially appear until the July 1st, when they stormed the Legco building.

3656. 占士
2019-09-10 16:09

Wang: i believed the initial motives was to force the HK government from retracting the bill, with false information and exaggeration from the pro-democratic parties trying to get more vote in the up and coming nov. election. However when the HK government failed to took them seriously, that mobilized a lot more people onto the streets and the pro-independent radical groups started to become more visible and tries to create a rift between the protesters and the government. The radical group with the help of the HK journalist union, HK church, HK teacher's union, and the Lawyer's union, and social worker union. (don't be surprised, US NED has been funding these organizations for years, with the exception of the church, because CCP actually practice the separation of church and the state to the extreme, so the HK Church basically never sides with Beijing.) The radical faction with the help of the journalist guild basically targeted police only and exaggerate any kind of police action, the lawyers union will then narrow interpret the law in protesters' favor and discredit any kind of lawful arrest into police over use of authority -- that included following a suspect into private property. (it really is mind boggling to see the kind of propaganda war HK was/is subjected under.)

I actually watched a segment of church service done by a HK pastor in the Bay area on TV where he subliminally used the Ukrainian revolution as an example to hint that HK police is overusing force, (while ignoring the part where the Ukrainian girl was completely non-violent.) major news outlets like The Stand news and Apple daily basically bashes the police 24/7. A stand news report had the audacity to say that they filmed protesters and cops equally but people only read the ones on the police brutality. i actually check their FB page. out of hundreds of titles in the past 3 month none of them was even remotely mutual, all of their article titles sided with the protesters and claimed the police over used their authority.

The HK police basically got stomped by the media and the majority of the Lawyer/judges. They got stomped harder when they do actually overstep the line. all their actions are carefully filmed and placed under a microscope. even if they don't over step the line, the segment will be cut into showing the cops overstepping the line without showing the protesters who provoked the attacks.

3657. 占士
2019-09-10 16:12

他還說:學者講話要講證據不是嗎? 歐美靠什麼來富足他們的國民生活? 不是靠自由, 靠得是殖民主義帶來的原料和市場。 然後強迫殖民地為宗主提供低價的原材料和開放自己的市場。 否則為何很多國家”自由”了卻變得更糟了? 以我們周圍的國家來看, 日本變強累積國家財富是明治維新, 臺灣是在蔣經國時代, 中共是在鄧小平時代一直到現在。 韓國是在盧太愚起。 遠一點, 美國則是由小羅斯福起到肯尼迪止。 英國則是在維多利亞女王起到現任伊莉莎白女王登基前。 這些大部分是寡頭政治 或是非常強勢的民選總統。 西方國家和台灣日本韓國現在的國民福利都是建築在寡頭強人當政時累積的財富上。 北歐是極少數的例外。

3658. 占士
2019-09-10 16:55
3659. 占士
2019-09-11 09:07




# 2134018

3660. 占士
2019-09-11 09:11

回答 James Lau 我認為在特定時間 有一定的需求用寡頭政治來推動對社會有大義的政策。 寡頭政治有好有壞,好處在於可以迅速推廣某些政策, 同時可以少付代價。但是也會有很多缺點, 比如說上述政策會損害到少數人的集團利益,導致較大的社會動盪。 明治維新就發生倒幕戰爭和之後的武士起義。 蔣經國則靠退守臺灣來大量卸去退臺軍閥的權力。 羅斯福曾威脅美國最高法院如果再判他的法律違憲,他就會任命足夠的最高法官來 抵禦反對票。 羅斯福的強硬手段直接導致在他死後通過了第22憲法修正案把总統屆數限制在兩任內。 但是從以上的例子來看寡頭政治可以快速的讓國家進行改革, 但是往往要付出巨大的代價。 而且寡頭政治在羅馬議會時就有, 當時在特別情況下可以由議會任名大獨裁官來解決緊急危機。 危機就要卸任。 只是到了凱撒那代, 他把位置變成了終身制。

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