The predatory pricing of first-hand properties begins soon
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The predatory pricing of first-hand properties begins soon


Damon Ho


The Lunar New Year holiday has just passed, and the property market has remained sluggish during this period. The top ten housing estates were recorded zero transactions by two major agency firms during this holiday, resulting in a record high ever since. Hong Kong is in the amid of Fengshui from eighth to ninth fortunes, the weaken property market has been initially confirmed to this changing. 

Property developers prefer to promote new projects to attract the public attention during Lunar New Year holiday as usual, hoping a brand-new project to boost the property prices. However, the sales premises of this year are the remaining flats of new projects. The sales results of these flats do not yield any negative effects to their major yearly sales plan.

Different property developers have their own planning. Each one of them hopes a pioneer developer will launch sales of a new project to assess the bottom line of the market. If a new project is welcomed by the public, the other developers will immediately follow to sell their project with the same marketing and pricing strategy so that they may capture the purchasers from the limited customer base. 

Under this stagnant market atmosphere, developers have no other choices. They must reduce the sales price to attract customers. The price-reduction of 20% or more is inevitable. At the beginning of next week, the pioneers' developer will take the initial strike by reducing the sales prices of new projects. Under this sluggish market, it is not strange that the new properties will be launched for sale at the same prices of the second-hand properties in the same district. 

When the predatory pricing of first-hand properties begins, there will be greater pressure to reduce asking prices for second-hand properties' landlords. In consequence, the asking prices of second-hand properties will certainly be reduced by more than 10% immediately. If this happens, it will trigger a quicker downward adjustment. 

​The public anticipates that the government will completely withdraw spicy measures to rescue the property market. If the new fiscal budget that is scheduled to be announced on February 28 does cancel these measures, the property market will rebound and resume its upward trajectory.

Indeed, fresh evidence indicates that the government has no intention of completely removing the spicy measures. Even if it is completely withdrawn, for example, by abolishing the two-years lock-up period, it will only cause more negative-equity properties to be placed in listing for sale. Furthermore, the cancellation of the additional tax to purchase a second home will not attract the investors to return the market either. If the budget ends with just minor changes, the public will be disappointed again, and the expectation of market recovery will not emerge. As a result, property prices will undergo a further decline.

The predatory pricing of first-hand properties begins soon
1. Hk retail industry faces talent shortage
2024-02-17 14:08

Hong Kong’s retail industry is currently being shaped by artificial intelligence, enhancing online and offline customer experiences to maximise profit, Randstad reported.

Businesses are also seen to invest in media marketing to increase targeting accuracy and measure campaign performance.

Despite a positive outlook, talent shortage will be a dilemma for businesses in 2024. 

In 2024, Randstad expects a surge in demand for talent in customer relationship management (CRM) and data management and analytics to drive online sales.

2. HK welcomed 750,000 visitors during holidays
2024-02-18 14:50

Hong Kong welcomed 750,000 visitors during the Lunar New Year holidays from 10 to 13 February.

“The night parade on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the fireworks display on the second day, the horse race on the third day and the soccer match on the fourth day yesterday were all well received and further boosted the festive vibes,” Secretary for Culture, Sports, and Tourism Kevin Young said.

650,000 of the 750,000 visitors were from Mainland, higher than the 640,000 record during the same period in 2018.

During the four-day period, about 1,200 inbound tour groups involving 40,500 travellers visited Hong Kong, exceeding pre-pandemic figures.

4. Year of Gen AI for retailers
2024-02-20 17:01

Hong Kong's retail industry will still tread on thin ice at the beginning of 2024, and to navigate this, the global smart commerce platform SHOPLINE suggested three strategies.

With 2024 being the "Year of Gen AI," SHOPLINE suggested that retailers introduce the use of technology.

"According to the latest research from Google Cloud over 80% of decision-makers in the US retail market feel a sense of urgency to adopt Gen AI into their operations," SHOPLINE said.

5. Agencies cut branches for survival
2024-02-22 00:18

Major real estate agencies in Hong Kong have cut down on the number of branches they are operating amid market weakness.

Among them are Centaline Property, which plans to pull down the shutters on 100 of its outlets in a space of two years.

To deal with weaknesses in both market turnover and volume, six agencies - with the others being Midland Holdings, Ricacorp Properties, Hong Kong Land, Many Wells and Century 21 - are cutting costs by axing branches.

"In the past six months [from August to last month], Centaline Property has decreased the number of branches from 450 to 400 and is targeting a low of 350," said its chief executive, Louis Chan Wing-kit."By then, it will save about 20 percent of costs."

6. AI expansion drives demand for data centres
2024-02-23 12:03

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) is driving an unprecedented surge in demand for data centres in Hong Kong.

According to JLL's Data Centres 2024 Global Outlook, global data creation is expected to double in the next five years compared to the past decade.

The growth of data centre storage capacity is anticipated to increase from 10.1 zettabytes (ZB) in 2023 to 21 ZB in 2027, representing a five-year compound annual growth rate of 18.5%. 

The data also revealed specialized AI-focused data centres require customized designs and power allocations to accommodate AI processing demands. Moreover, liquid cooling technologies are increasingly favored to manage heat generation, offering up to 90% energy savings compared to traditional air-based cooling methods.

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