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2019-03-02 12:55

Hong Kong property transactions slump 33pc in February as investors wait for market to stabilise

Property sales in Hong Kong plunged more than 30 per cent year on year in February as investors and homebuyers stayed on the sidelines, unsure whether prices were likely to fall further.

A total of 5,002 property transactions for flats, offices and car parks worth HK$41.9 billion (US$5.3 billion) was reported last month, down from HK$62.6 billion in February 2018, according to data from Centaline Property.

“Investment sentiment was still quite sour in February, and buyers were reluctant to make a move,” said Derek Chan, head of research at Ricacrop Properties.

Data from mReferral Mortgage Brokerage Services showed that the number of loan applications last month for lived-in homes fell 20 per cent to 6,791 and for new flats it dropped 18.1 per cent to 998.

“Homebuyers tend to take a wait-and-see attitude after seeing flat prices decline for several months,” said Sharmaine Lau, chief vice-president at mReferral.

The city’s finance chief Paul Chan Mo-po said during the budget presentation this week that the government had to adjust its annual revenue estimates to HK$596.4 billion, about 1.3 per cent lower than originally projected, owing to lower than expected revenues from land premiums and stamp duties.

But the slowing market has, if anything, seen developers double down on marketing of new projects to shore up revenue.

Sun Hung Kai Properties, Hong Kong’s largest developer by market value, and New World Development, the fourth largest builder, are expected to release more than 3,600 units over the next six months.

Late on Friday evening, Magic Sight Holdings, a private developer, released the second batch of five units at its development in Sham Shui Po for sale.

Two of the five units at the 160-unit AVA 228 development are 129 square feet each. These are the tiniest flats in Kowloon, and are being offered for as low as HK$2.57 million after factoring a discount of as much as 12 per cent.

Only 48 out of 82 flats have been sold since its launch last Friday. These are the cheapest flats on sale since July 2016, when a 253 sq ft flat at property developer Nan Fung Group’s Ori development in Tuen Mun was sold for HK$1.9 million.

But market observers say that they have seen signs of a stabilising market in January.

According to data from the city’s Rating and Valuation Department, used home prices rose marginally in January, while data from Ricacorp Properties showed that transactions in the secondary market have also picked up.

Transactions of lived-in homes jumped from 58 in the week of February 4 to 134 deals in the week starting February 18.

Meanwhile, S&P Global Ratings has joined analysts from Japanese investment bank Nomura in forecasting growth in home prices would be sustained and rise 5 per cent this year.

“The sentiment has changed very fast,” said Nomura analyst Joyce Kwok. “Now we see that as the Fed has softened its attitude on interest rate increases, the mortgage pressure is not as large as we expected earlier; we expect a mild recovery in home prices this year of less than 5 per cent.”

2. 大阳春
2019-03-02 13:18

4. 真真薯片
2019-03-02 17:33
5. morgan
2019-03-02 23:56
香港的李光耀,你在哪里 ?
香港的人均居住面积只有170平方尺,新加坡人均居住面积达270平方尺,比香港多近59%,新加坡的郊野地只占国土约23%,而香港有近7成的郊野地,新加坡有22 %土地是填海得来,并将在2030年底前再填多8%的土地,香港近年停止填海,搞了一个「土地供应专责小组」,就开拓土地的选项等展开公众讨论,重蹈「议而不决、决而不行」,浪费港人2年时间。




2018年9月8日 25岁男仔在油麻地佐敦道19至21号一劏房单位内烧炭亡。


2018年12月17日中年保安大埔劏房烧炭寻死, 妻子揭发救一命。




香港的李光耀,你在哪里 ? 新加坡新建房屋最少900尺,香港建的棺材房100多尺,香港最需要的是李光耀这样的人,大刀阔斧,冲破阻力,开发郊野公园土地,劈山填海, 收回粉岭高尔夫球场,以解土地荒的燃眉之急,解决香港最基本的人权一居住权。

香港政府有责任有义务解决香港人的住房问题,为了香港的利益, 为了香港人的将来, 立刻进行大规模填海及发展郊野公园土地, 收回粉岭高尔夫球场, 收回棕地, 全方位拓地建屋 !
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