Mortgage Calculator Mortgage Hotline: 3563 8888
Calculation of Mortgage Terms and Estimate of Expenses
Property Price: $230,000,000.00    
Down Payment: $69,000,000.00   
Loan amount: $161,000,000.00 Total repayment: $258,290,612.10
Monthly Payment: $860,968.71 (4.125% 300-term) Total int. paid: $97,290,612.10
Miscellaneous Expenses Registration Fee & Taxes
S&P Agreement: $3,000.00 S&P Reg: $210.00
Assignment *: $124,000.00 Deed Fee: $230.00 - $450.00
Mortgage Deed: $7,375.00 Mort. Deed Fee: $210.00
Agency Commission: $2,300,000.00 Reg Fee: $300.00
Mort. Insurance: $0.00 (one-time payment) Land Register: $30.00
Stamp Duty# $9,775,000.00
* The exact charges to be determined by the solicitors. # The exact stamp duty to be determined by the government.
Int. Rate 15yr-term 20yr-term 25yr-term 30yr-term
1.000 $963,576.17 $740,429.83 $606,764.65 $517,839.63
1.500 $999,396.26 $776,898.11 $643,897.49 $555,643.54
2.000 $1,036,049.01 $814,472.17 $682,405.49 $595,087.35
2.500 $1,073,530.63 $853,143.66 $722,272.94 $636,144.65
3.000 $1,111,836.44 $892,902.13 $763,480.22 $678,782.49
3.500 $1,150,960.89 $933,735.15 $806,003.95 $722,961.95
4.000 $1,190,897.56 $975,628.33 $849,817.31 $768,638.63
4.125 $1,201,007.80 $986,265.42
4.500 $1,231,639.19 $1,018,565.50 $894,890.29 $815,763.35
5.000 $1,273,177.74 $1,062,528.74 $941,189.97 $864,282.81
5.500 $1,315,504.36 $1,107,498.57 $988,680.86 $914,140.29
6.000 $1,358,609.49 $1,153,454.00 $1,037,325.26 $965,276.35
The information provided by this calculator is for illustrative purposes only. The default figures shown are hypothetical and may not be applicable to your individual situation. Be sure to consult a financial professional prior to using and relying on the results. The calculated results are intended for illustrative purposes only and accuracy is not guaranteed.