41. 蜕变中嘅懒人
2014-05-30 04:38



主角:1. 正苦波叔  2. 眾發展商 3. 迅鵝黃生  ---- 道具:A.科進路地皮 B.科研路地皮

1. 正苦波叔:將白石角改為住宅用地後,由於唔多暸解地產界人脈內情,以為3. 迅鵝黃生必然托市,當港鐵第二次流標即黑面指責,豈料打開A標書內,原本以為衰極都岀(估)5500嘅3. 迅鵝黃生支標竞然幾乎位列榜尾,最高嗰支都係(估)3800,即茫茫然宣佈流標,結果已知俾人炳完又炳,到呢次打開B標書睇重大鑊,最勇嘅英軍只得3300,真係一蟹不如一蟹,最令1. 正苦波叔死心嘅係3. 迅鵝黃生(估)竟然包尾,於是把心一橫豁岀去----成交!

2. 眾發展商:正如亮劍兄已經講咗白石角地皮已今非昔比,唔值錢,諗住3. 迅鵝黃生支標多數會強勁,赢咗蝕硬,於是乎喺A標書位位搏懵價,唔得就算,結果流標。到B岀台,2. 眾發展商諗住正苦唔肯平賣,無乜人再有興趣落標,於是喺少貓三四隻嘅情況下俾英軍3300冷手執個熱煎堆,笑到見牙唔見眼令市場嘩然!

3. 迅鵝黃生:大量蟹貨未回籠,無銀用都要扮勁落標,如果唔咁做2. 眾發展商博懵成功,自己必成仁,但係落重標中咗重大鑊,好彩係暗標,於是鬼鬼祟祟落個雞碎價,希望有傻佬陪死或者自已中標就可以溝淡,結果A流標,3. 迅鵝黃生舒服晒,到咗B殺到就重施故技,結果..............!


42. 蜕变中嘅懒人
2014-05-30 04:43



43. 大寶二寶
2014-05-30 07:46
回41 懒兄

懒兄所言雖不中, 不遠矣。

正苦今次露左底, 標價低一樣有机會批出, 黎緊如果吾係勁靚地,發展商落標價會係偷雞價,可見黎緊呢D驚嚇價將久吾久會出現。

共勉之, 哈哈!
44. 攬住隻狗
2014-05-30 08:33


45. Buy
2014-05-30 11:01
Feel pity for the owners of 2 properties I bought in 2009. One owner sold his to move and live with
his parents. The other persuaded by the agent and sold his investment property, but regretted
in final settlement (though he had made a decent profit). I bought these properties for long term investment because I could afford so. Thanks Dr. for the strategy and reinforcing my belief.

46. nobody
2014-05-30 12:20



47. 小陽
2014-05-30 12:59

hi Nobody bro ,

The  QE money fom europe  may go to Dim sum bond market. I read an article  saying that 79 billion euro go to dim sum bond issued by china banks in this 5 months .

the RMB depreciation actually help those yield lovers go to the cnh bond market.

For those who have bought cnh bonds already , they bought higher yield cnh bond than before in order to cover the depreciation loss .


48. 小陽
2014-05-30 13:18

to Alan Pepper Bro ,

You are just like english version of " treasure hong kong " bro .

I do agree that the 2008 crisis has changed the rules of investment market.  All govts in worldwide  are afraid of " too big to fail" crisis.  You see in  CHINA now , the china govt let the 2nd tier cities to have " 限降令" . This rule is actually unfair for those who have no house and wait for the property crisis .


All govt in worldwide don't want to see  1997-2003 HK property crisis  again . HK govt did very few things to save the property market  in HK .  However, this is the reason HK property market is more healthier coz it experienced the " kill the weak and stong left " prcoess .

ANYWAY,  I can see the trend that govt will save the financial market when the crisis come. This only blocks the wealth redistribution . The richer get richer , the poorer still very poor.

THEREFORE MARKET just penalize the patient tenants  instead of rich ppl.



49. 小陽
2014-05-30 13:26

Hi Nobody bro ,

the RRR reduction  is helping the property market and in china. The govt notice something boiled for long long time.

50. 自我陶醉
2014-05-30 14:48
To 48/F 小陽

你相信市場有無形之手嗎? 在經濟學上, 這些限價令都不會成功的。 相反, 它只會令負債高的發展商加速滅亡, 到時國內樓價和經濟只會受更大打擊, 最後, 最有耐性的投資者才是真正贏家。

51. 小陽
2014-05-30 14:59
你返來啦!welcome on board .

52. 自我陶醉
2014-05-30 15:11
小陽, 多謝關心, 去咗旅行呀, 剛回來兩天。
53. 順民
2014-05-30 17:21

Oh, surprise ! Is Alan Pepper and 珍惜香港兄 are the same one ? or just they are using the very same words as each other ? then we mistook them are the same one  ?


54. 小陽
2014-05-30 17:26
No , I think they are not the same one . 

But similar approach to talk about life . 
55. 順民
2014-05-30 22:39
Yes , sure , They have had each different personal style , but both of them are excellent .
56. 小陽
2014-05-30 22:46
我當然相信無形之手,我都知越禁爆,但是最驚半死不生,中國好學唔學,學美國救市,但學D唔學D,美國都話有bear sterns 和雷曼爆煲,大陸唔敢俾佢地爆,因為晤知爆左點救,樓市爆更驚,政權不保,所以大陸諗橋,落降令、減rrr丶點心債丶等等。

所以我估可能中國樓市限價化,A股化,半死不生,zombie 市。

我覺得對patient tenant 不公平咖!

57. 小陽
2014-05-30 23:21
還有 stress test --退休高官Geithner 話佢想救雷曼,不過有官唔制,因為d官話用public money 救金融大鰐,驚影響選舉,你知啦!平民90% ,有$人10%。所以唔救雷曼先有金融風暴。

58. 小陽
2014-05-30 23:26
59. nobody
2014-05-31 00:23
今日又出消息要"加大「定向降準」力度",其實又係比錢益自己友,以大陸人既性格,可能又係詐詐帝帝出去買野,因為國太基建己經太多,又咁多打貪,出去買野先最有水腳,如果係咁,就可能出現日本90後放鬆銀根但錢冇留係本土反而出左去炒起成個東南亞,再加上大陸突然人仔一次眨值就令東南亞爆煲,但呢次我估又唔會好似上次一樣,今次錢會去兩極既市場,一係DM,一係就非洲呢D前沿市場(Frontier market)。咁又會唔會煲呢?照計短期內又唔會,因為DM食得起呢D資金,而FM同亞洲比個基數又太細,打劫都打唔到幾多。

60. 珍惜香港
2014-05-31 01:17

TO:55/F 順民

Obviously, I am not Alan, and Alan is not me. He is a positive guy, though I rarely have chance to discuss with him. A recent topic was about competitiveness.

Here, 亮劍, 法子 and PP are really excellent. I am just "blowing water" from time to time!

TO:56/F 小陽

Sorry on using English. I am not in good state tonight with long Chinese typing.

I guess you were just being ironic to describe the situation of patient tenants as unfair. The world is never fair to anyone, but we can't say it unfair if the expectations of those black-hearts were no longer realized.

Waiting for a disaster, and hoping a disaster to come, are actually the same. When someone waits for a disaster in order to take advantage from it, he won't feel happy if it didn't come. This is obviously a negative thinking, a black-heart. As time flies, his wish for a disaster becomes stronger and stronger, and he becomes more and more negative.

Negative people won't have a positve future. This is simply a matter of karma.

That's why I always say, don't be a black-heart. We should be glad to see the Chinese government being able to successfully resolve a crisis, and stay away from disasters. As said, the World is moving forward, China is moving forward, and Hong Kong is moving forward as well. There is no turning back. That's why we shouldn't keep a 20-years old mindset to foresee what would happen 30 years from now.

The only way for a negative guy to save himself, is to turn positive, which is a painful process. He has to face the fact, and accept the loss from being negative, through which he would learn to value what he has today, and never go negative again.

I am delighted to see a trend of positive movements in this lovely home place.
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