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Alan Pepper

A friend of mine suggested that China’s interest in HK is their way to get the money out of the system, not the interest for the HK people. Although I cannot agree with this, as I believe China’s interest is the long term prosperity of both HK and China. Nevertheless I cannot disagree that some interests of some people are certainly neglected.

These interests differ from people and groups. The government should identify these interests and decide which ones can be addressed and which ones cannot. For those interested that cannot, it seemed to me the current HK government is not politically sensitive enough to judge and identify. 

And for those interests that can be addressed, the ones I’m more interested about as a HK citizen, the current HK government seems reluctant to address them with resolute determination, and is quick to fall back on an easy excuse, that the opposition parties are hindering their progress. 

Whether the government is powerless, or intentionally reluctant I don’t have an answer, but nevertheless without a resolute determination on addressing these issues, HK does not have a fighting chance of a peaceful future. However, and unfortunately, a peaceful future does not necessarily correlate with a prosperous future in this city’s development. I’m afraid we will have to accept this contradicting but coexisting lifestyle in the years to come.
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