41. yyfan
2015-10-24 12:00

According to a recent report, Elon Musk arrived China this week. While speaking to the audience at Tsinghua University, he said his company will be building an upcoming Model 3 of Tesla. He said the car is meant to be affordable and that it will be built in a Chinese factory within two years. Before now, most of Tesla cars were built in Fremont, California and then imported to China, but this new announcement is a move by Tesla to sell even more cars in China.

The way things are done in China is that before you purchase a car, you must be able to prove to the Chinese government that you have a parking lot for your car. Then when you have done that, you will have to participate in a lottery to get a registration for the car. In China, some people have had to wait for up to 5 years before they get their license for their car. Interestingly, those with electric cars are quickly attended to and get their registration faster.

China also imposes significant import duties on cars manufactured in other countries. That’s why General Motors, Ford, Toyota, BMW, Volvo, Jeep and every other manufacturer in the world have been making cars for the Chinese market in China for the past decade. If you want to sell in China, you need to partner with a Chinese company.

This has caused a lot of Chinese citizens to drive China made cars. To sell affordable cars in China, you must partner with a domestic manufacturer. However, Tesla do not consider themselves bound by what people think or say. They want to pioneer something new.

According to Tesla, its Chinese factory will make use of the same technology employed at its factory in Fremont. By implication, the Model 3 will cost about $35,000 and have a range of 200 miles or more. Also, the Chinese customers will again be satisfied as they will be purchasing domestically manufactured cars.

42. Sugar
2015-10-24 12:41
Excellent article with profound insight!Thank you,Mr. Fan.
43. 打工仔 Andy
2015-10-24 12:50
CD 兄

係, 如果上1XX, 我部V6會令i 3收工! 哈哈哈!
44. yyfan
2015-10-24 13:13
Sugar San , agree with you that it s an encouraging article except the WRONG saying of  having a parking lot as a condition to purchase a car in China 
45. middle middle class
2015-10-24 13:20
各位大大, 我兩個月前上過香港官網看到,Tesla 的三年回收要用他們的財務上會,而且只係 trade - in, 唔知有冇誤解。

刀兄,廣本哪款混能車賣 13 萬?  我正在考慮換車   :)
46. yyfan
2015-10-24 13:20
47. 打工仔 Andy
2015-10-24 13:27
48. 電車男
2015-10-24 17:39
To:  middle middle "#cc0000">CASH, not the trade-in credit for another car (like what Benz is doing).

若大家正考慮購買,不妨使用以下優惠連結 (http://ts.la/takshing9009) 訂車,廠方會提供一萬元折扣(包括我),優惠期至月底。

49. 電車男
2015-10-24 17:41
middle middle "#cc0000">CASH, not the trade-in credit for another car (like what Benz is doing).

50. 電車男
2015-10-24 22:38
To middle "#ff0000">CASH,而不是trade-in
51. from tesla web site
2015-10-25 10:42

Tesla’s Resale Value Guarantee allows Model S drivers to sell their Model S back to Tesla during the 37th month of their finance contract for a guaranteed resale amount that is specified at the time of delivery and is among the highest of any premium sedan brand.

This value is equal to 70% of the original base purchase price of the 70 kWh Model S plus 60% of the original purchase price for all of the options, including the upgrade to the 85 kWh battery pack (exclusive of taxes, delivery fees, registration fees and accessories).

Resale Value Guarantee

Who is eligible for the Resale Value Guarantee?

Any customer who finances their Model S through a Tesla-agreed financial lease or hire purchase program is eligible for the Resale Value Guarantee meeting the minimum term requirements.


52. 寄生虫
2015-11-10 16:10


53. 向饭民说不
2015-11-11 00:12

牛顿第三定律,energy cannot be created nor destroy。 电池的电能都系由发电厂产生的。如果发电厂都系要碳化物发电,那么用来充电动车的电能分分钟比由气能直接转为动能的汽油车更加吾环保。


54. 望東樓
2015-11-11 08:32
"牛顿第三定律,energy cannot be created nor destroy":呢個係效率嘅問題,你話發電廠能量轉化效率高定係架起車高?
55. 234
2017-04-14 16:26

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