21. To 19
2014-08-20 16:18

可想而知, 哩壇怪胎一旦搞左出黎, 又係一單無盡孽緣嘅續集, 總之正苦嘅 party, 係唔會咁易 over 嘅.

越扶越貧委員會 開 會 討 論 退 休 保 障 研 究 報 告 。

蔡 海 偉 又 表 示 , 希 望 市 民 能 看 到 全 民 養 老 金 的 重 要 性 , 因 不 是 有 很 多 僱 員 能 夠 儲 蓄 足 夠 錢 應 付 退 休 生 活 。

22. To 16/F
2014-08-20 16:44
Heal the headache first. No other ways. The CE cannot guarantee his term of office can be extended.
23. 順民
2014-08-20 16:44

先要搞清楚政府的立場﹐ 政府責任係要幫助市民解決居住問題﹐ 而唔係為市民解決住得好﹐住得舒適或住得豪華呢個問題。現今社會最大的聲音係上唔到車﹐ 而唔係換唔到樓﹐ 咁叫府如何取捨  ﹖ 或有人認為只要讓現時住緊細樓的市民有機會換樓﹐再將細樓放售﹐ 從而可增加細樓供應 。但就如9樓所說﹐一個1200呎的大單位可建造3個400呎的細單位﹐這就是將一碗大碗粥分成三小碗可讓三個僧人吃的道理。條數唔係咁計咩 ﹖

24. Alan Pepper
2014-08-20 16:59
3D is like a water dam. Normally water (money) will flow in a river without obstruction, water will flow as it rains (hot money) and drought (liquwhen there isn't.

However, if the dam (3D) is set too high, without a flexible way to release the water (money) flow. Water will then accumulate to capacity, new water (money) cannot come in and will flow all over the place and damage the crops around them (people who actually need the water to live). The only way to solve this problem is to either build a bigger dam to increase capacity (find more land for people to buy), or release some water to stop flooding (lower some 3D to release some money to invest elsewhere) so it will not hurt the crops anymore.

If this is a good analogy, the government should lower the 3D so that some supplies will flow back into the system. Today the cost of releasing a property is much higher than retaining it. This is the problem.
25. Alan Pepper
2014-08-20 17:00
3D is like a water dam. Normally water (money) will flow in a river without obstruction, water will flow as it rains (hot money) and drought (liquwhen there isn't.

However, if the dam (3D) is set too high, without a flexible way to release the water (money) flow. Water will then accumulate to capacity, new water (money) cannot come in and will flow all over the place and damage the crops around them (people who actually need the water to live). The only way to solve this problem is to either build a bigger dam to increase capacity (find more land for people to buy), or release some water to stop flooding (lower some 3D to release some money to invest elsewhere) so it will not hurt the crops anymore.

If this is a good analogy, the government should lower the 3D so that some supplies will flow back into the system. Today the cost of releasing a property is much higher than retaining it. This is the problem.
26. 蜕变中嘅懒人
2014-08-20 17:14
TO 23樓 顺民兄
27. Alan Pepper
2014-08-20 17:18
SSD is like a dam with regulates water in 3 steps. The first dam is set at a high lever (20% in first year) then if that overflows it will go to a 2nd, lower dam (10% second year) and third dam until it reaches the other end of the river. This at least will release some water while not overflowing and damage the crops. But the other 2D has almost permanently stopped the flow of properties. 
28. Alan Pepper
2014-08-20 17:28
to 26.

Good point. Maybe the government should consider lowering the 3D for properties from 600sq ft. to 1000 sq. ft. Or 600 sq. ft. and up, or some sort of adjustment to the system to promote people with small flats to upgrade their homes? Obviously this is not well thought out, but brother and sisters here may give some input on this? What are the consequences of this for example. 

The reason is, people who complain about property prices are too high are first time buyers. If we can satisfy the first time buyers then maybe the society will have more harmony? 

If this happens, the ideal situation is people who own and live in a 500 sq. ft. flat will consider moving up to a 700 sq. ft. releasing the smaller flat for first time buyers. 

29. 順民
2014-08-20 18:04
懶人兄 ﹐在此處的人大都焦點於樓市及經濟問題﹐ 但梁政府則著重如何能實現大批供應達到人人可買樓做業主的目的﹐ 兩者是截然不同的﹐ 或可說是大家都不同路。在下是站在梁政府的立場來思考﹐ 意圖去測摸他的心意﹐ 以達到知己知彼﹐ 你也不妨可一試。返屋企﹐ 傾住咁多先。
30. 蜕变中嘅懒人
2014-08-20 18:10
31. 蜕变中嘅懒人
2014-08-20 18:25
TO 29樓 順民兄
32. 大寶二寶
2014-08-20 18:47
回23 順民兄

我認為政府嘅責任只係要令到人人有屋住, 而吾係令到個個市民擁有自住楼。 依家似乎本末倒置, 既然要滿足上車客要求打壓楼價, 難保第日呢D上車者為求改善居住環境要求住大D住舒適D, 咁你正苦係咪要滿足埋呢D要求? 要知人性係貪得無厭。 咁到時吾夠大单位换楼点攪? 呢D都係民生現實問題。都係要解決㗎。

共勉之, 哈哈!
33. E_kam
2014-08-20 19:16
要滿足中下價樓上車需求起居屋就ok. 無需要出3D. 
34. To 30
2014-08-20 19:19
以前教育電視講故事, 有一對女人爭個 bb, 真假不能辨, 法官話, 咁不如斬開佢兩份, 一人拎一半返屋企, 親生母當然寧願送俾人都唔願生劏個 b, 至於惡毒婦人咯禾, 當然係不吃白不吃, 損人利己不利己之事做盡, 即管斬之哉, 真假由是分.
他日兩老若然袋番三幾千, 而子女提出相應俾少啲家用, 兩老也是無可無不可, 反正也是左袋入右袋, 乜野人一直努力搞哩啲混水摸魚大餐呢? 咪就係果啲厠身於社福系統漁利自肥嘅人囉.
35. To 32
2014-08-20 19:21
要人人有屋住, 但人人都嫌租貴買又貴, 要個人空間又唔要犧牲個人享受, 同父母住又哩樣果樣, 愛民如此嘅特衰正苦, 唔知理得邊樣. 父母有層供滿左嘅, 按番出黎幫個唔夠秤嘅細路上左車, 但父母都近退休過喎, 係咪個細路幫父母供埋? 他日一個浪 cum 埋黎, 個細路如何供兩間?
36. 大寶二寶
2014-08-20 19:34

到時咪賣走兩老物业, 再申請特快上公屋囉。 唔係講笑㗎。

共勉之, 哈哈!
37. 蜕变中嘅懒人
2014-08-20 19:44
TO 36樓 大寶二寶兄
38. To 36
2014-08-20 19:52
大二寶哥, 哩個 risk factor 同 contingency plan, 響向父母集資時, 肯定冇 disclose 過, 父母之於子女, 真係用心良苦矣. 
39. 大寶二寶
2014-08-20 20:12
回37 懶人兄

懶兄吾好取笑小弟喇。 懶兄嘅精靈多計, 小弟都不及拾份一。

共勉之, 哈哈!
40. 亮劍
2014-08-20 20:23

第三那些大型項目,因為要做好多唔等使的工程,落成日期好多時多人兩年,風險大咗、銀碼唔细,咁当然保守D 啦,而呢D大棵蓆,一起手就过仟个单位,要是全部起晒某一類型单位,要是市場口味逆轉,真的賣到氣咳,真係蚀入肉都似,條数唔知点算。

CY 你做得初一,咁那些大型發展商,还會幫你政府搏老命去買地、换地、投她起楼,以德報怨?

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