41. Alan Pepper
2014-07-11 14:41
Really? Although I respect (respect, not agree) their action, as it does not appear to interfere with other people's space and lives like 佔中, but I really do not want these kids to throw away their lives (at least the most important part of their lives) for a cause they may not understand. If 學聯 wants to throw away their lives, so be it, don't persuade others to do it with them!

To young adults: Your parents put up a fight raising you, please THINK before you act. Your family is also, if not most, important to you too!

如公民提名被否決 學聯擬發起全面公民抗命
香港電台香港電台 – 4小時前

42. 亮劍
2014-07-11 14:52


李卓人話 13 64 晚會有 15 万人----

大話怕計數,維園有六個硬地足球場,一組三個場計,即 (75 X 150) ,咁六個場合共係咪 22,500 平方米


若以每平方米站立六個人計,那最盡都只係質倒十三萬幾,何來 15 萬?







李卓人講大話講到不能自完其說地步,年年睜大眼作大,咁同圓木話天安門嗰晚死得弍拾零人,或CY 話拒成世都係老實人,又有何分別?




明明 APEC 被取消在香港舉辦,係中央向香港發出警告,你班高官仲老點港人無事!

明知港樓上升係因為求過於供,你 DT CY 仲係咁話俾人知最衰有人炒樓!


43. The three idiots
2014-07-11 16:06
Back in 2009, there is a comedy Indian film called THE THREE IDIOTS.
This year a film of the same title will be produced in Hong Kong in the Central.
Predicted box office? 3 . Like Dr. said, the ball is thrown back to the
three idiots.
44. Impromptu
2014-07-11 16:12


Consultation on Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive in 2017 and for Forming the Legislative Council in 2016

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association

1. It has been widely reported that the HKSAR Government will soon be reporting on the result of the consultation exercise and that the Chief Executive of the HKSAR (the HKSAR Government and the Chief Executive will hereinafter be collectively referred to as "the HKSAR Government") will soon be officially reporting to the Central Authorities in connection with the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive in 2017 and for Forming the Legislative Council in 2016. The Hong Kong Bar Association ("the HKBA") takes this opportunity to emphasize a number of points of crucial importance for the attention of the HKSAR Government consequential upon recent developments.

2. The HKBA's Submission on the Consultation of 28 April 2014 ("the Submission") was prepared on the basis of treating all the relevant provisions of the Basic Law of the HKSAR as a coherent whole. The submission itself ought to be read as a whole. It is unfair for any party to rely on any part of it selectively and out of context. Indeed it would be a grave mistake for any party involved in the development of the above two electoral methods to quote part of the HKBA's view in support or in justification of that party's position without properly mentioning, referring to or giving due consideration to the HKBA's other views on related legal issues. To take a simple example, it would be an incomplete and potentially misleading statement to say that the law does not allow the attainment of a certain objective through one means without at the same time mentioning that it is legitimate to achieve the same through another means.

3. Even if the HKSAR takes the view that a particular proposal is inconsistent with the Basic Law of the HKSAR (despite the popular support that any such proposal commands), it would be irresponsible for the HKSAR Government to simply reject the proposal off hand, or to recommend to the Central Authorities to disapprove or exclude that proposal, on the ground of non-compliance with the Basic Law of the HKSARand then do no more about the proposal. It is incumbent on the HKSAR Government to positively consider and explore whether the rationale or underlying objective of any such proposal (commanding popular support) could be accommodated by alternativemethods which are compatible with the relevant provisions of the Basic Law.

4. Specifically, even though it would technically not be compatible with the Basic Law for a person to become a Chief Executive election candidate by gathering a certain number of nominations from the general electorate (because the Basic Law requires that nomination be done through a nomination committee), the rationale and underlying objective of such a proposal - namely to ensure maximum participation of the general electorate in the nomination process - is perfectly capable of being accommodated within the concept of the "nomination committee" in the Basic Law. This point has been addressed in the Submission and should not be overlooked by the HKSAR Government. In particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing), the HKBA refers to the wide and unqualified language in Article 45 of the Basic Law of a "broadly representative" nominating committee which nominates in accordance with "democratic procedures", and the HKBA also repeats paragraphs 37 to 39 as well as 57 of the Submission.

5. If after addressing its mind to the above, there are any reasons (political or otherwise) why the HKSAR Government does not feel able to put forward any Basic Law-compliant proposal to give effect to the above rationale and underlying objective, it is incumbent on it to explain the reasons - political or otherwise- to the public.

6. For the HKSAR Government merely to use the Basic Law as a reason to reject, or recommend the putting aside of, such popular proposals on the ground of "doing things according to the Basic Law", but without attempting to consider whether the rationale and underlying objectives of any such proposals can be accommodated within the rubric of the Basic Law is, with respect, a misuse and the abuse of the concept of the Rule of Law. Law is simply being used by the ruler as a means of defeating public expectation and no more, rather than as a means of respecting, facilitating and giving effect to public expectation.

7. Lastly, the HKBA wishes to reiterate its position as stated in its Submission and emphasizes to the HKSAR Government that:

(1) Since the nominating committee's function is limited to nomination, it is neither its function nor its purpose to determine the result of the Chief Executive election; and

(2) Since the method, scheme or arrangement to be established pursuant to the aim stated in Article 45(2) of the Basic Law impinges on the enjoyment and exercise by HKSAR permanent residents of their right to vote and right to stand for election, and more generally, their rights and opportunities to take part or participate in the conduct of public affairs, the electoral rules to be formulated and enacted must ensure that the persons entitled to vote shall have a "free choice of candidates" and that there should be a spectrum of plurality (in both the numerical sense and the political sense) of candidates for voters.

45. Ken Chan
2014-07-11 16:37
46. To 亮劍
2014-07-11 16:57
講得好!唔知下次 CYL(李卓人) 會作幾大(人數)?
47. 珍惜香港
2014-07-11 17:58


親身簽名:2014-07-19 至 2014-08-17
網上簽名:2014-08-02 至 2014-08-17

對於呢個簽名運動,有啲主流媒體(例如生果報)會作負面甚至喺誤導式嘅報導。所以,要知道最 UPDATE 嘅詳情,請參閱主辦單位幫港出聲 Silent Majority(http://www.facebook.com/silentmajorityhk)嘅公佈。

一再重覆都喺咁話,對於呢個保普選反佔中大聯盟嘅簽名運動,大家要認真啲,一定要參與,仲要親身去,唔喺網上 CLICK!今次喺繼兩年前理大全民投票之後,香港人又一個可以改變命運嘅機會!千祈唔好好似上次投白票咁,白白錯過咗一個咁難得嘅機會。香港人,從來都喺有得揀,點解要揀消極、揀撕裂



48. 惜緣
2014-07-11 19:07

To 47. 珍惜香港兄,


49. bonnie
2014-07-11 21:22
50. esther
2014-07-11 21:24
51. mrs wu
2014-07-11 21:25
52. 祝你好運
2014-07-11 23:24

一如所料, 抹黑反佔中行動已在經在fb上開始了。
53. 高球發燒友
2014-07-11 23:55
54. 驅逐/遞解
2014-07-12 00:10

Ken Chan .............

驅逐/遞解 鄭宇碩 離境......鄭宇碩  永遠不準進入香港..........
55. 租管對租戶適得其反
2014-07-12 00:15




56. 指數上升反佔中最大動力
2014-07-12 00:21
中原城市領先指數 CCL  每周五公佈 – 最新2014/07/11公佈,反映2014/06/302014/07/06(預計簽署正式買賣合約時段)的二手私人住宅樓價。一般在簽署臨時買賣合約後14日內簽署正式買賣合約。
本週公佈 與上週比較 與上月比較


  1.78 %   3.46 %


  1.58 %   1.59 %


  1.83 %   3.80 %


  1.89 %   3.86 %

  本週公佈 上週比較 上月比較
港島 134.22 3.08 % 3.94 %
九龍 122.73 2.4 % 3.97 %
新界(東) 125.94 0.53 % 4.6 %
新界(西) 104.69 1.2 % 3.21 %




57. 啦啦隊
2014-07-12 00:34
58. 博士
2014-07-12 00:36
59. 36.9x10
2014-07-12 00:36
60. 啦啦隊
2014-07-12 00:38
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